fxGear is a gear designer & calculator that helps you obtain dimensions of different gear pairs. Using one of three design guides, you can design helical or spur gear pairs for almost any scenario. You only need to specify a few parameters. And fxGear will calculate almost all of the gear mechanism definitions you may want to know.
fxGear can help you design gear pairs for a wide range of use cases. You can use fxGear application to design gear pairs for automotive, movie animation, gear reduction boxes, power transmission distributors, robotics and many others.
Currently you can design gear pairs for two different types of gears: Regular spur gears are the most commonly used gear type. Helical gears are also widely used in the industry, and they operate with less noise and vibration.
Center Distance
-Use total unit correction and the number of teeth to calculate the center distance.
Total Correction
-Use center distance and the number of teeth to calculate the total unit correction.
Number of Teeth
-Use center distance and module to calculate the number of teeth with a total correction.
Module and Number of Teeth
-Use the center distance to estimate a module and calculate the number of teeth.
-Gear Ratio
-Total Correction
-Contact Ratio
-Helix Angle
-Pressure Angle
-Center Distance
-Product Center Distance
-Tangential and Tangential Operational Pressure Angles
-Circular Pitch
-Base Circular Pitch
-Pitch Diameters
-Base Diameters
-Minimum Corrections Without Tapering
-Minimum Corrections Without Undercut
And much more!
fxGear can also warn you if there will be tapering or undercut for the calculated gear dimensions. It will also check some other parameters to see if the values are acceptable. Such as clearance or the contact ratio.